Thursday 11 February 2016

Adventurous Chicks
Adventurous Chicks

While living in Ontario raising our family, we hobby farmed the small country property we lived on. One of our most successful ongoing projects was raising chickens. I loved tossing scraps to them and watching the flock scramble for their share. The peaceful clucking of the hens, the peeping of baby chicks and even the crowing of our roosters are sounds I truly miss from that time. Watching baby birds hatch in the spring is a magical experience. Our children played with them and named every single one even when we had close to fifty birds at one point.

My husband and children are very much into writing and of course our chickens crept into some of their stories. My daughter and one of my boys came up with a children's story, which is to this day not completely developed and still unpublished. The story features two young chicks, Nutmeg and Peanut, who are very adventurous and this leads them into potential trouble. Knowing that the story needed illustrations, this pastel work came to be. There were several other pictures for that story but not enough to complete the book. At this point in time there isn't a collective desire to push the project further although that may change in the future.

The original is not currently available for sale, however, prints and other products are available simply by clicking the image with this post. You will be redirected to my Fine Art America account where you can see all the products, prices and make any purchases.

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